I am a qualified teacher with a degree in Primary Education. Having stepped away from education after having my son in 2010 I have spent several years in managerial positions in a number of retail outlets. In 2020 I decided to move away from retail to return to education. This time in the childcare sector.
I have since completed the following courses:
Pacey- Unit 326 - Introduction to Home Based Childcare
Pacey- Unit 327- preparing for childminding practice
NPT- Safeguarding
Cel Training- Level 3 Pediatric First Aid
Pacey- Level 2 Food Safety & Hygiene
NDNA -Enhancing outdoor provision
Effective Provision -Water with Alistair Bryce- Clegg
These have enabled me to register with CIW. They are the registering and monitoring body for all childcare establishments in Wales.
I regularly look for opportunities for continuous professional development. Joining any courses I feel will enhance my knowledge and understanding and can help improve the provision I can offer the children.